Profundum - 2023

In "Profundum", the lines between the creator and the creation blur, as the piece delves deep into the realm of AI-driven selfie culture, this supposes a God-like creation complex.

Drawing upon the iconographic resonance of Catholic religious icons with this modern reinterpretation subverts the classical form of Greek sculpture, presenting a subject reminiscent of glossy marble yet unmistakably digital.

The audacity of the piece lies not just in its aesthetic, but in its very subject matter, it is an AI-manipulated representation of myself.

This ceaseless loop of self-representation is ever-shifting, a testament to the endless possibilities of generative art.

The title refers to depths, and boundless expanses. The work's faux-depth map aesthetic, a nod to AI image detection methods, adds layers of complexity, inviting viewers to ponder the interplay of subject and process, and to question the depths of self-identity in an age of digital metamorphosis.

made with Stable Diffusion & A1111 with image interpolation.




